Photography in support of Nature Conservation!

The trail to The Bottom Lookout in the Elfin Forest on top of Mount Scenery, Saba, Dutch Caribbean

The trail to The Bottom Lookout in the Elfin Forest on top of Mount Scenery, Saba, Dutch Caribbean


Mere communion with nature, mere contact with the free air, exercise a soothing yet comforting and strengthening influence on the wearied mind, calm the storm of passion, and soften the heart when shaken by sorrow to its inmost depths.
— Alexander von Humbold


Actively contributing to the conservation of nature and its advocacy have been some of my primary goals in life.
I regard good photography as a tool to bring the unique flora and fauna of the Lesser Antilles closer and dearer to those who can’t experience it in person. The purpose of this site is to encourage and inspire new-comers, both, aspirants in nature management and photography, share experiences, link to useful resources and offer training opportunities.

Heleen Cornet’s “Elfin Forest”

Renowned local artist, Heleen Cornet, was inspired by the above featured image and used it as a template for the creation of a 6 panel mural, measuring 48 by 48 inches each. It is being displayed in the restaurant at Tropics Café in Windwardside, Saba, Dutch Caribbean.